Thursday, March 16, 2006

Rosacea And Adult Acne

Acne is normally thought as occurring prevalently only during puberty and that adults have the relief of not suffering from the skin disease. That improper diet or too much consumption of oily or fat-enriched foods triggers the onset of adult acne. Or that it is a resultant of poor hygiene and dirt.

This is not the case.

Acne is a skin disease experienced among all ages that it is neither caused by improper diet nor poor hygiene or dirt.

The only root cause of acne is the over production of sebum in the skin. Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands in the dermis (or the middle layer of the skin) to lubricate the skin tissue against extensive dryness. However, if excess sebum has been produced, this becomes a potential target for "P.acnes" bacteria thus creating an effect wherein the body will be triggered to send white blood cells on the infected area. Once this action occurs, dead cells and bacteria will gather on the pores of the skin consequently inflaming the skin tissue thus, the formation of acne. This action happens prevalently during pubescence due to the significant changes in the body's chemistry. However, this may continue well into adulthood.

Though this seems the probable reason for all acne infections, several factors are responsible behind this.

1. Hormones - Adult acne is said to have its roots on hormones and imbalances in hormonal changes. One factor that may result to acne flare-up on women is the onset of menopause and hormonal irregularity during the menstrual cycle. Women aged between their 20's and 30's are noted to have great benefits from hormonal treatments, however significant intolerance against the systematic and topical medications. They are observable.

Moreover, menstrual irregularities, facial oiliness and consistent acne flare-ups are found among these women. Their bodies react positively to hormonal acne treatments, however for the more severe cases of acne such as the nodular and cystic types, hormonal treatment cannot be employed. Usually, anti-androgens and contraceptives are the modes of treatments for adult acne.

2. Stress - It is pointed out as one of the main causes for the production of adult acne. In fact, around half the number of American adult women suffer from adult acne sometime in their lives. Roughly 17 million American adults are afflicted with adult acne, 50% of which are women. The connection between stress and acne is not yet well defined. However, it is notably obvious that women have greater responsibilities than men, not to mention the running of the household. This is said to create more stress thus the onset of acne.

There are two forms of adult acne.

• Adult acne or immature acne which continues to appear until adulthood, and;

• Adult onset acne or acne beginning only to grow during adult years. This is only triggered by the effects of hormonal changes, stress and poor dietary habits and may involve sensitive and excessively dry skin.

An example for adult acne is rosacea. This is normally characterized by tiny, visible bloods cells on the surface of the face, irritated eyes which may become watery, pimples and bumps on the face, and redness on the forehead, cheeks and the chin.

Adult acne is more widespread than what people normally think. In effect, cases of adult acne have been rising considerably for the past decade. For the present, the median for acne cases is 26.5 years old compared to what was earlier thought as 20.5 years.

Acne Skin Care

A skin condition commonly affecting people between ages 12 to 24 is called acne. The root cause of this skin disease is yet to be identified. However, over secretion of the sebaceous glands is pointed as the cause to trigger most acne outbreaks.

Pilosebaceous units are the combination of the hair follicles and oil glands in the skin. These are found on the skin tissue throughout the body except for the surface of the palms and the soles of the feet. These are responsible in secreting the oily substance called sebum. However, due to many factors (e.g. hormonal imbalances, stress and the skin's natural condition) the oil glands are induced to produce more sebum than what is normally needed. If this is the case, the excess oil plugs the skin pores thus bringing the effect of bacterial infection and the reaction of the immune system. This then causes acne inflammation.

Presently, acne is not yet totally curable but can be treated with several acne skin care methods. Acne skin care regimens usually come in forms of topical medications, which may be applied on the surface of the skin.

Usually, mild acne skin care is done with soap and water. The logic is to not remove the dirt (as the majority of acne-inflicted person perceive) but to remove the plugs on the skin pores, which may be a combination of dead skin cells, bacteria and hardened sebum. Although dirt is not truly the cause of acne, it may contribute to further infection through its interaction with skin debris and particles and extra oil in the skin.

You should not vigorously scrub the face as this may result into an accelerated spread of the infection to other areas. A mild scrub will do. Minimize the use of seriously abrasive acne skin care products. This may cause more harm than good.

One good way of acne skin care is to keep the pores open or to minimize the presence of extra oil in the skin. This can be made possible with washing the face with the hottest water the patient may withstand. Further, to remove excess oil, one must use topical cleansing pads that may contain one or the combination of the following: salicylic acid, sulfur and benzoyl peroxide.

Employing the use of acne skin care product like "pore strip pads", may remove whiteheads and blackheads but they would not have any effect on the excess sebum produced.

To further care for your skin, you should make use of the following acne routine:

• A healthy, well-balanced diet must be observed. Meaning, your food intake must incorporate all the essential nutrients the body needs for efficient functioning.

• Drink plenty of fluids like water, juices. Minimize the intake of carbonated drinks.

• Vitamin supplements must complement vitamins absent in your diet.

• Wash your face with mild soap and water.

• Minimize the use of abrasive cleansers and use acne skin care items that exfoliate mildly.

It is important to note that before applying any acne skin care products, you must first identify your skin type. A combination of skin types may be found throughout the body, which may demand varying levels of acne skin care.

Oily skin is more prone to acne than any other type. This is true because oily skin is more probable in acquiring acne because excess oil is already regularly produced in the skin tissues. Dry skin on the other hand, may not be as susceptible to acne but serious outbreaks may occur during winter. Normal skin is equally susceptible to acne but the level of severity depends on the variety of conditions. The acne skin care routine outlined above should help prevent and remedy acne of all skin types.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Acne Solution

Acne Solution - Topical Medication or Systematic Treatment?

You may acquire acne through the following:

Over-secretion of the sebaceous glands of its sebum, or the skins natural oil.
• Hormone imbalances due to internal changes in your body.
• The weakening of the immune system due to the attacks of the acne-infecting bacteria called as "P acnes".
• Impaired internal detoxification system.
• The reaction of the digestive system to the food items you eat.
• Improper or unhealthy diet
• Stress
• Genetic influences and structures
• Environmental pollutants
• Cosmetics

Through the causes mentioned above, you can see that many are extremely hard to control. This is why there is still no developed method of curing some types of acne. In effect, it remains incurable but nevertheless may be treated with different acne solutions. Many of these may include topical or systematic acne solutions. Additionally, homeopathic treatments may also be applied to prevent the out-break of acne, an example of which is the use of mild soaps and water.

For the less serious acne cases or conditions, which may show symptoms of the onset of an acne infection, it is best to start with natural acne solutions. This normally comprises of natural herbs and exotic plants that are effective in removing blemishes and the prevention of bacterial formation.

Also, fruits and vegetables are perfect in lessening the effects of the above mentioned factors for these replenish needed minerals and vitamins to the body. These may also have the properties of effectively cleansing and removing the oil from the skin tissues, like that of cucumbers and tomatoes.

The majority of vegetables and fruits have high water content. Water itself is potent in releasing body toxins from the body. This active acne solution is very conducive to help displace and prevent the onset of acne.

What is the difference between topical and systematic acne solutions?

Topical acne solutions are those which employ the aids of skin-applicable products, meaning those which may be rubbed to the skin surface. This may comprise of benzoyl peroxide, which is an effective form of reducing the quantity of bacteria on the skin. However it will not cause resistance against antibiotics. This may result to dryness of the skin, contract dermatitis and cause skin irritations.

Also, included in the list is the Azeilic acid known for its diminishing effect like that of benzoyl peroxide, on the bacterial presence on the skin. This acne solution is also reliable to even out the darker complexions produced by the recent flare-ups of acne. The side effects of this acne solution are impermanent discoloration on the affected area and extreme dryness.

Moreover, Erythromycin in its topical form may reduce the acne inflammation. This acne solution is often combined with benzoyl peroxide to rigorously attack belligerent infection caused by the "P. acnes".

An acne solution that does not only obstruct the growth of the acne-infecting bacteria but may also address inflammation and clogged pores is Sodium Sulfacetamide treatment. However, it is not commonly used as a treatment to acne because of its smell. It has been proven to help acne flare-ups in many cases.

Systematic acne solutions on the other hand are usually prescribed to more sever cases of acne infections. Generally speaking, the treatment may last up to six months. For women, the most prescribed systematic acne solution is anti-androgens. By this the secretion of a certain hormone is controlled. This may also be referred to as hormonal treatment. Acne treatments like this may have more complex results than that of the topical medications, which may include the inhabitation of bacterial growth and reduction of acne flare-ups.

Guide To Over The Counter Acne Products

Prior to consulting a dermatologist, most acne sufferers would first employ the use of over the counter drugs and medications. But, because of the wide range of acne products available in the market, average patients find it difficult to decide which treatments will improve the skin condition and which acne products will result to more damage.

To help you shop for the best suitable acne product, you must first become a label reader. Meaning, you have to develop the understanding and the habit of reading the ingredients of the acne medications. Also, you have to distinguish which certain ingredients and which acne products that work best for your type of skin.

If you are after the cleansers, dermatologists often advise the use of acne products such as Neutragena, Eucerin, Aquanil, Cetaphil and Extra Gentle Cleanser. Rough cleansers and scrubs must be avoided along with the vigorous rubbing of the skin as these may create further irritation and may eventually lead to more acne.

Moderate cases of acne are usually treated with over the counter medications. Benzoyl peroxide, a common ingredient contained in most acne products are effective in reducing the acne infecting bacteria termed as the "Propionibacterium acnes", which clog the pores while creating acne lesions. It also removes dead skin cells, thus preventing the appearance of comedones. This acne product has been highly regarded among experts for decades now and is still rising in popularity as a safe way of clearing acne form the skin. However, the only serious side effect from using benzoyl peroxide is abnormal dry skin.

Another acne product that is noted to obstruct the quick shedding of the skin and the clogging of the skin pores is salicylic acid. This does not reduce the presence of the natural oil , but it prevents the formation of lesions in the hair follicles.

It is advisable that you continue using these two acne products even after the severity of the skin disease disappears to minimize the likelihood of future acne breakouts.

The effective ways to determine which product, from the multitude of acne products available, is to distinguish the result of the active ingredients. Take note of what they do to your skin. It is recommended to avoid alcohol and oil-base products as these may either dry your skin extremely or add to the problem of excess oil. As you experiment with acne products, take note which leaves a soft feel and which results to itchiness and irritation.

Make it a habit to apply only small amounts at the beginning of each acne treatment then proceed to adjusting the usage to suit your requirements. Also, pay close attention to the acne products for which your skin reacts constructively. In time you will be able to determine the acne products that will work right for you.

In case your acne has left you with scars, you may then proceed to more complex treatments and procedures. Two of these are the dermabrasion and microdermabrasion. These are designed primarily to lessen the appearance of wrinkles and scars to create a more even and softer skin surface.

Dermabrasion is considered by many as one of the most effective ways to removing acne scars. It works by mechanically removing the topmost layers of the skin through an instrument referred to as the fraise or high-speed brush.

Microdermabrasion on the other hand is recommended only for patients with superficial or mild skin damage. This method employs the use of a vacuum effect in removing the surface layers of the skin. It is non-wounding and non-invasive and recovery may only take several hours. However, a series of this procedure is required to procure the effects.

What Is Acne?

Nearly everyone suffers from acne infliction, in fact statistics states that roughly 80% of the entire American population is inflicted with the skin disease. This makes you a possible target. The good thing is that acne is not transmittable.

Contagious will not define acne but it can severely affect the entirety of the face and all the skin tissues that have pilosebaceous units. Moreover, acne afflicts all genders, sexes and ages making it a universal skin disorder.

Acne is said to apply only to puberty-related issues, but this is not entirely true. Meaning, even infants or individuals who may be well over their forty’s, are still likely to develop this skin disorder. Acne infantilis is the term used for acne that grows on newborn babies, on the other hand acne rosacea is related to middle-aged people.

According to the severity of the infection, acne has different classifications.

Comedo is the form where all severe acne cases originate. This is the simplest kind of acne characterized by red swelling or small lesions on your skin. Whiteheads and blackheads are two forms of comedo. Conversely, blackhead is an open comedo. The coloration is due to the accumulation of dark skin pigments called melanin, plus hardened sebum and other skin debris and particles. This is the basic structure of whiteheads, however, the only difference is the coloration and these are deeply situated into the skin layers.

If you have sandpaper-like skin around the tissue of your mouth and on the surface of your forehead, chin and cheeks, you probably have papules.

Moreover, your pus-filled lesions are termed as pustules. Nodules on the other hand are similar with pustules but these are firmer and larger acne growing deep in the skin. Inflammation may develop your pustules into containing semi-liquid or liquid materials composed of white blood cells (which are dead because of the acne-infecting bacteria named as Propionibacterium acnes), dead skin cells and active or inactive bacteria. This can result into more serious acne called cysts.

If in case further infections occurred to this present acne condition, you may need the assistance of a skin dermatologist or physician. It is far from telling what cysts may develop when it becomes more severe.

From where does acne develop? It is quite difficult to exactly determine what may have caused acne infection. But to be sure, this is usually a case to case basis. Studies may show that the skin disorder may be brought by many factors, including poor diet, stress, weather elements, and hormone changes or may be genetically influenced. Presently, these are all subjects for refutation but may serve as good foundations for further research and observation.

Medically speaking, acne starts from the formation of hardened sebum, or the oily substance secreted to the skin through the sebaceous glands. This then will be permeated with acne-infecting bacteria, which in return will trigger the immune system to release white blood cells to obstruct the attack of the bacteria. As this happens, dead white blood cells and bacteria will accumulate in the hair follicles mixed with skin debris and dead skin particles, which then will inflame the lesions.

Most mild cases of acne may be treated with over the counter acne medications, which are in general, topical drugs. You apply topical drugs on your skin for acne treatment. They may come in the form of soaps, lotions, gels and creams. Conversely, systematic acne medications are taken orally. The most common of which are the antibiotics.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Top 3 Favourite Acne Solutions

There are many different acne solutions available on the net. However, one acne solution may not work for everyone as people are affected by acne in different ways. Here are my top 3 favourite acne solutions:

1. A Healthy Diet. Eating healthy foods is one of the easiest acne solutions and will help reduce the effects of acne. One of the causes of acne is excessive secretions of oil build up underneath pores. Due to this, you should avoid oily and unhealthy foods such as burgers, chips etc. You should also drink plenty of water (at least 3 glasses in the morning) and also eat protein foods such as chicken, tofu and beef.

2. You should not wash your face more than twice a day as excessive washing causes irritation and make result in break outs. When you wash, make sure you use a deep cleansing facial wash (see our acne facial washes page). The reason for using a facial wash is that oil build up and dirt causes trapped pores which do not help prevent acne. Using a deep cleansing face wash will make sure you remove all the dirt when you are washing.

3. The third acne solution is to reduce stress levels. Stress is often attributed to acne and it is also another factor which can be easily managed. We recommend that you take a look at this Stress Relief website to learn how to manage stress.

The advice above are my favourite acne solutions. As you can see, they are very simple and easy to put into practice. These acne solutions are natural and do not cost money to try. If you are not already using these acne solutions, we think you should try them out now.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Adult Acne

Adult Acne is not uncommon for people in their thirties and forties. Although the percentage of adults with acne is significantly lower than those who are teenagers, the symptoms and causes remain the same.

Many people assume that adult acne is the result of poor hygiene, which is incorrect. There are several factors involved in the development of acne. Hormones are the main cause of Acne in both adults and teenagers. Hormones lead to excess skin oils, clogged pores which lead to irritation and contribute to adult acne.

For Adults, if you are getting more than the occasonal pimple, you may want to consult with your doctor. A hormonal adult acne treatment may be available, otherwise, they will most likely prescribe benzoyl peroxide, which is the same treatment used in teenagers. It has the greatest percentage of positive results than most other treatment available. It is a topical treatment that works to reduce the blockage of the sebaceous (oil producing) gland.

One of the things that you must not do if you are suffering from adult acne is frequently wash your face as this can cause irritation and result in a break out. You should limit yourself to washing twice a day and after you have been sweating.

We also advise that you use a facial wash when washing your face. Please see our Acne Product page for our recommended facial washes.

Most Effective Acne Product Available?

There are many Acne Products available on the market. Which is why searching for the most suitable product for you can be very time consuming. We've managed to trach down some acne products over the net to help you treat acne:

Neutrogena Visibly Clear Rapid Clear Treatment is a quick-drying clear gel and is clinically proven to reduce spots within 48 hours - without being harsh on the skin. The gel contains a proven spot-fighting ingredient, to help unblock pores. The patented Dermanaturals formula begins to reduce the size and redness of the blemish without damaging or over-drying skin.

Neutrogena Clear Pore Treatment. This treatment is specifically formulated to clear blocked pores – a key cause of blackheads, spots & other blemishes. This invisible, leave–on gel works deep–down as you sleep to clear blockages, drawing out imbedded oils, dirt & bacteria & sloughing off rough, dead skin cells. It acts on the blemishes you already have & helps prevent new ones from forming. So, with regular use, skin is clearer, healthier–looking & less prone to spots.

Natural Collection Tea Tree Facial Wash
is a deep cleansing facial wash which can help eliminate skin blemishes and spots. This facial wash will help prevent and clear up spots and blemishes quickly using natural tea tree extracts.

These products are available at the following retailer: (UK only)

You can compare prices and search for similar products at: (UK/Europe)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

A Guide To Acne Treatment

Are There Any Acne Treatments?

The good news is that there are a lot of Acne Treatments. Although Acne affects people differently, here is an Acne Treatment guide that we found to be very effective:

1. Do not pick. Just press a hot cloth against it if you have a white head.

2. After washing your face always rinse with cool water or put a cool cloth on it. (*This closes your pores up) (Purchase either a Neutrogena, or Basics soap) or Burts Bees Tomatoe Soap if you are not allergic to tomatoes.

3. Use a light astringent such as Witchhazel.

4. Then put on a light moisturizer right after you wash, morning and night (Neutrogena or Basics).

5. DO NOT EAT - Wheat/Yeast/Bread/Pasta/or anything with Dairy in it.

6. Drink at least 3 glasses of water in the morning (with lemon if you don't like the taste of plain water)

7. Eat Protein in the morning and afternoon but not at night (chicken, turkey, tofu, beef)

8. Take the amino acid L-Tyroin (1) first thing in the morning (this balances the hormones).

9. Take the a Acidophilus at night before you go to bed. If your acne is really severe such as red and blotchy please try Grapeseed extract

10. Change your pillowcase every couple of days and try not to use detergent such as TIDE.

Following these Acne Treatment guidelines should result in a reduction of your acne symptoms. Acne affects different people in different ways, so if this guide does not work for you, don't worry - there are still other alternatives available.

For a more in-depth guide to Acne Treatment please take a look here

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Welcome To Acne Treatment

Welcome to my Acne Treatment blog. I'll be providing you with effective Acne Prevention and Treatment methods along with detailed Acne Product reviews. If you want to know all there is to know about Acne, bookmark this site now!